The new Gyeon Coatings have arrived. 3 versions of installation. 5 year self maintained warranty on each (you care for your own coating) or Lifetime Warranty if we see your car for conditioning of the coating every 1-2 years.
I don’t want my clients to be required to have a reapplication of a coating yearly to turn it into a 5 year coating. You add up those $500 installs and low and behold you have a lower solids product that cost 3 times as much. I call those annual coatings and if we get 5 years out of them great but I’m not playing games. We are always here and encourage revisits for helping reset the surface and condition the coating. Cars require maintenance but the choice is yours if you want to handle that yourself or with us and the integrity of what we install shouldn’t suffer because you like to detail your own ride but want the good stuff.
When my clients pay the little extra for the premium aftercare in this lineup they come back and tell me they prefer the difference. It works the same with our products out back and the coating systems. I pay the extra to have peace of mind all around and so far I’ve been very pleased with the Gyeon lineup.
We’re not product focused here, but I can 100% say I confidently deliver premium products to supplement the premium experience.
And because I always get the question, no this doesn’t replace our XPEL Fusion plus. We install Fusion Plus always on all of our ppf installs because I prefer it’s installation on film and it’s designed for film. It also retains the film warranty which is pretty important on a physical product like ppf.
I’m excited to get this lineup out there in the community and showcase what a state of the art coating difference is like.